The New Year begins with the deadliest day Metropolis has ever seen - and by the end of the month a villain will stand revealed, a hero will fall in the outer reaches of the galaxyand the reveal of Supernova will deepen his mysteries even further. WEEK 35: Art by Phil Jimenez & Andy Lanning, plus The Origin of Black Canary by Waid and Howard Chaykin. WEEK 36: Art by Chris Batista & Jack Jadson, plus The Origin of Green Arrow by Waid and Tim Sale. WEEK 37: Art by Patrick Olliffe & Drew Geraci; plus The Origin of Firestorm by Waid and Jamal Igle. WEEK 38: Art by Shawn Moll & Jadson; plus The Origin of Red Tornado by Waid and Phil Jimenez. WEEK 39: Art by Joe Bennett & Ruy Jose; plus, The Origin of Mr. Terrific by Waid and Dave Johnson. Retailers: 52 WEEK 35 will feature two covers that may be ordered separately. Both covers are by J.G. Jones; one copy of the Variant Edition may be ordered for every 10 copies of the Standard Edition ordered. Please see the Previews Order Form for further details. 52: A year without Superman; a year without Batman; a year without Wonder Womanbut not a year without heroes.